A Sound Mind in a Sound Fayetteville AR Body
A Sound Mind in a Sound Fayetteville AR Body

While many people in Fayetteville AR understand that decreasing levels of stress is important, they don’t fully understand the negative side-effects of prolonged stress.
Information regarding stress in Fayetteville AR
The stress response was once a useful and beneficial mechanism to people. Long, long ago, when people were out hunting and gathering, the stress response was the only way that these people could detect and escape from predators, such as a bear in nature. This response would increase their heart rate, dilate their pupils, cause faster breathing, and release a number of hormones that assisted with their getaway. While once beneficial, today the stress response has become one of the biggest causes of sickness and disease are known to man.
New Year's resolutions to get fit and eat healthy are great - people who make those resolutions are actually 10 times more likely to succeed with their healthy life goals than those who don't make resolutions. But don't overlook the role of stress in your healthy lifestyle.
Stress comes in two kinds: acute short-term stress, like the moment when you step off the curb into the street just as a car comes barreling around the corner. That gets your heart pumping, shoots adrenaline into your system, and gives you the burst of energy you need to jump back onto the sidewalk.
The other kind of stress is chronic long-term stress, like a daily commute that leaves your nerves jangled when you get to work, where you spend the day sitting at a desk with your neck muscles gradually tightening, only to repeat that stressful commute on the way home. Or the stress that comes from worry, or from working with difficult people, or from the limited sleep and nonstop work that goes with caring for small children.
Your body responds to this kind of stress with muscle tension, hormone changes that lead to increased belly fat, back and neck pain, and eventually to a lessened sense of well-being. The solution is the chiropractic lifestyle, a conscious way of living that Dr. Myshka encourages you to embrace. A nutritious diet, daily exercise, stress reduction, proper hydration, and regular chiropractic care lead to increased well-being.
All these elements of the chiropractic lifestyle work together: regular exercise has been shown to help combat stress, healthy food and drink gives you the energy to exercise and keeps you hydrated, and regular visits to your chiropractor help you stay on track with your healthy lifestyle choices.
If you haven't had a chiropractic adjustment recently, call Dr. Myshka today at (479) 442-0676 and make an appointment.
8:00am - 12:00pm
2:30pm - 5:45pm
8:00am - 12:00pm
2:30pm - 5:45pm
8:00am - 12:00pm
2:30pm - 5:45pm
8:00am - 12:00pm
2:30pm - 5:45pm
Saturday & Sunday
Family Chiropractic Center
114 S College Ave Suite A
Fayetteville, AR 72701