Family Chiropractic Center Blog

Condition of the Month: High Cholesterol

Condition of the Month: High Cholesterol

High Cholesterol in Fayetteville AR Cholesterol is naturally found in your body, and you need some of it for correct body function. You don’t need too much, though, and a lot of people have too much. Some people in Fayetteville AR may be genetically predisposed to have high cholesterol. Condition of the month in Fayetteville…

Chiropractic is the Most Effective Option for Low-Back Pain in Fayetteville AR: The Evidence

Chiropractic is the Most Effective Option for Low-Back Pain in Fayetteville AR: The Evidence

Chiropractic is the Most Effective Option for Low-Back Pain in Fayetteville AR: The Evidence Can chiropractic care help low back pain in Fayetteville AR? As many as 85% of adults will experience low-back pain at some point in their lives, making it one of the most common health problems in the nation. In Arkansas in…

Shopping for Safe Seafood in Fayetteville AR

Shopping for Safe Seafood in Fayetteville AR

Shopping for Safe Seafood in Fayetteville AR Crisp days, chilly nights, family gathering for festive meals in Fayetteville AR – it’s a great time to serve seafood! It’s a healthy choice, since fish is low in fat and calories and cholesterol but high in protein and other nutrients. There’s such a great variety of seafood,…

Stay Healthy While You Shop in Fayetteville AR

Stay Healthy While You Shop in Fayetteville AR

Stay Healthy While You Shop in Fayetteville AR Christmas shopping can be fun, exciting, and an important part of getting into the spirit of the holidays in Fayetteville AR. It can also be stressful, exhausting, and even painful. Here’s what it takes to keep healthy and happy on those big shopping days: Wear comfortable shoes.…

Do Painkillers Slow Healing in Fayetteville AR?

Do Painkillers Slow Healing in Fayetteville AR?

Painkillers linked to slow healing in Fayetteville AR Our society encourages a “quick fix” attitude toward health. TV commercials in Fayetteville AR show someone in pain, with drugs speeding to cure the discomfort in seconds. That’s not always the best way. Information on painkillers in Fayetteville AR The Journal of the American Academy of Orthopedic…

Be Thankful For Your Health in Fayetteville AR

Be Thankful For Your Health in Fayetteville AR

Health in Fayetteville AR With Thanksgiving just a day or two away in Fayetteville AR, it’s the perfect time to be thankful for your health. Thankful for health in Fayetteville AR Every state in the Union now has 6% or higher rate of diabetes, with six states showing 10% or higher. 12% have heart disease,…