Family Chiropractic Center Blog

Misalignment in Fayetteville AR

Misalignment in Fayetteville AR

Misalignment in Fayetteville AR A visit to Dr. Myshka in Fayetteville AR usually means checking your feet for proper alignment using a special table. If you feet are not aligned, neither your are your hips or shoulders usually, all due to your spine not being properly aligned. Chiropractic adjustments aim at straightening everything and aligning…

The Perfect Snack in Fayetteville AR

The Perfect Snack in Fayetteville AR

The Perfect Snack in Fayetteville AR Are you looking for some healthy food options in Fayetteville AR? Fruits and veggies are always a good food choice, but sometimes you crave something crunchy, portable, and fun – a snack! At those times, you should think of nuts. Nuts are low in saturated fat and high in…

Shoulder and Neck Stretches in Fayetteville AR

Shoulder and Neck Stretches in Fayetteville AR

All About Stretching in Fayetteville AR Many of us feel tension in the shoulders and neck, especially after a hard day. Dr. Myshka of Fayetteville AR recommends stretching often to help muscles lengthen and relax. Try these stretches when your shoulders feel like they are almost touching your ears: Shoulder and Neck Stretches in Fayetteville…

Pets and Your Health in Fayetteville AR

Pets and Your Health in Fayetteville AR

Pets and Your Health in Fayetteville AR If you’ve ever visited a hospital or rehabilitation center in Fayetteville AR, you might have noticed a few furry friends making rounds with their human counterparts. Companion motivation in Fayetteville AR Studies have shown that pets can reduce the amount of time patients take to recover, so enlightened…

10 Things About Cholesterol That May Surprise You in Fayetteville AR

10 Things About Cholesterol That May Surprise You in Fayetteville AR

10 Things About Cholesterol That May Surprise You in Fayetteville AR High cholesterol is the health issue we’re focusing on this month in Fayetteville AR.  Cholesterol is naturally found in your body, and you need some of it for correct body function. You don’t need too much, though, and a lot of people have too…

Pineappple Reduces Inflammation

Pineappple Reduces Inflammation

Pineapple reduces inflammation in Fayetteville AR One of the many benefits of having regular chiropractic adjustments is reduced inflammation throughout the body. Inflammation, or the swelling of tissues, might not be visible on the outside of your body but you feel it – especially if you suffer from arthritis. Eating well can actually help reduce…