Chiropractic is the Most Effective Option for Low-Back Pain in Fayetteville AR: The Evidence

Chiropractic is the Most Effective Option for Low-Back Pain in Fayetteville AR: The Evidence

Can chiropractic care help low back pain in Fayetteville AR? As many as 85% of adults will experience low-back pain at some point in their lives, making it one of the most common health problems in the nation. In Arkansas in particular, 24% of health-related absences from work are caused by back problems, mostly low back pain.

The research is clear in Fayetteville AR

Look at the evidence:

  • A long-term study of patients with low back pain compared chiropractic care with or without physical therapy with other kinds of medical care, with or without physical therapy. Patients seeing only their GPs were the least satisfied. Those receiving chiropractic care were more satisfied with their treatments. (Spine)
  • Another long-term study looked at patients of 60 chiropractic and 111 general practice doctors. Again, chiropractic patients were more satisfied with their care and had less pain and disability. (Journal of Manipulative Physiological Therapy)
  • A large-scale experiment followed 2,945 patients with low back pain for one year. More than 34% of the patients seeing M.D.s reported pain throughout the study. Only 12.7% of chiropractic patients were in this position. (Journal of Manipulative Physiological Therapy)
  • In the same study, it was found that fully 80% of the patients who went to M.D.s were given pain medication, with its possible side effects. The greater danger was not balanced by better results. (Journal of Manipulative Physiological Therapy)
  • Another study of 138 patients found that chiropractic treatment was 500% more likely to relieve pain than care from a family practice physician. (Journal of Manipulative Physiological Therapy)
  • A British study followed 741 patients for three years. The study concluded that chiropractic worked better over the long term than hospital treatment (British Medical Journal)
  • 250 patients with low back pain caused by osteoarthritis were randomly assigned either to chiropractic care or to moist heat treatments; the chiropractic patients reported less pain and greater ability to lead normal lives. (Journal of Manipulative Physiological Therapy)

If you suffer from low back pain, you don't need to keep looking for the best solution to pain management. Call Dr. Myshka today for a free consultation and see for yourself.


8:00am - 12:00pm
2:30pm - 5:45pm

8:00am - 12:00pm
2:30pm - 5:45pm

8:00am - 12:00pm
2:30pm - 5:45pm


8:00am - 12:00pm
2:30pm - 5:45pm

Saturday & Sunday

Family Chiropractic Center

114 S College Ave Suite A
Fayetteville, AR 72701

(479) 442-0676