Pets and Your Health in Fayetteville AR

Pets and Your Health in Fayetteville AR

If you've ever visited a hospital or rehabilitation center in Fayetteville AR, you might have noticed a few furry friends making rounds with their human counterparts.

Companion motivation in Fayetteville AR

Studies have shown that pets can reduce the amount of time patients take to recover, so enlightened health care facilities are bringing in four-footed helpers. Owning your own pet can make a positive difference in your life, too.

  • Pets help you exercise. When you've got a four-pawed friend begging to go for a walk when you get home, exercise becomes a daily routine. You can even try doga (dog-yoga) or use your full body when playing with traditional cat toys rather than sitting on the couch. There are even special pet-inclusive exercises.
  • Pets provide companionship. A pet of any kind, furry, feathered, or scaled, is a friend, even if they might not interact with you as a human would. There's nothing like coming home to your pet greeting you at the door. You can even try talking to your pet about your day to relieve some of the anxiety and stress that builds up during a rough day.
  • Pets reduce blood pressure. A study in the Journal of Behavioral Medicine reported that just petting a dog can reduce blood pressure. Many further studies have confirmed this connection.
  • Pets reduce stress. Pets provide unconditional love that comes with no ulterior motives and are better listeners and comforters than even the most skilled psychiatrists. They can help us become more approachable to others or provide a barrier for people with anxiety issues when in public.
  • Pets can be protective and helpful. There's a good reason why dogs have been used for centuries as guards and, in more recent human history, as service animals. They're smart, easy to train, and ready to take care of people. You've probably heard countless stories about pets saving an owner's life- it really happens.
  • Pets improve your mood. Try to frown at a cute puppy. It's probably one of the hardest things to do in life! Pets make you smile, can help you keep a positive outlook on life, and can teach you about how to view the world around you.

Pets can be a part of your healthy chiropractic lifestyle. If you don't want a pet or can't have one, you can always volunteer at the local animal shelter and donate your time to help care for the animals. By volunteering, you'll get all the benefits of owning a pet, minus the responsibility and cost.


8:00am - 12:00pm
2:30pm - 5:45pm

8:00am - 12:00pm
2:30pm - 5:45pm

8:00am - 12:00pm
2:30pm - 5:45pm


8:00am - 12:00pm
2:30pm - 5:45pm

Saturday & Sunday

Family Chiropractic Center

114 S College Ave Suite A
Fayetteville, AR 72701

(479) 442-0676